Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shutter Love - Trees


This week's theme is Trees.

I have so many tree pictures it's hard to choose. But since I only get to pick one here is one of my favorite and most recent tree pictures.




Monday, May 30, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday (A day Late)

So this was supposed to be yesterday's post, but obviously that didn't happen. My hubby decided on a whim that we should drive to Tok, AK yesterday. It was a beautiful day for a drive so we went.  It took us roughly 3 hrs to get there and 3 to get home.  By the time we got home it was entirely too late to be doing blog posts.  Oh well, right?

On top of this being a late post, some of the pics aren't new either...boo! I brought my camera along with us yesterday to get the last few shots I needed.  I went to take a picture and no memory card...D'OH! Thank goodness for my iPhone. At least with that I was able to take a few fun pics on the way.

Anways, sorry for the late post and lack of new pictures...I'll do better next week!! :~)

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1. Classic Still Life - i'm missing this one:~(

2. Self Portrait

Photo 9

3. On The Floor - on the forest floor


4. Lines


5. Fresh - freshly painted toes



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Domestic Adventures: Gardening

Lately my hubby and I have been on a bit of a learing to be self reliant kick. With all of the things going on in the world these days we feel its important to be prepared and lets face it people these days (including us) are lacking some necessary survial skills.  We have become so dependant on modern conveniences. So this spring/summer we decided to try our hand at gardening.

Due to weather conditions in Alaska simple gardening takes on a few added twists. But frist things frist, we needed a place to garden. So step one was to build a raised bed garden. This helps give your gardening dirt the best exposure to warm weather in the spring to help it thaw. We decided to make ours 4'x8'x12". It took one trip to Lowes, 6 weather treated boards, and 15 bags of dirt to build.

DSC_0396 (The tires have potatoes (hopefully) growing in them.)

We planted tomatoes that we picked up at the Farmer's Market over the weekend. I attempted these last year and almost made it.  I planted them too late. So I did get tomatoes but they never turned red:~( So hopefully better luck this year. We also planted cucumbers and green beans.  I have no idea if this will work or not. The weather has been absolutely fantastic this past week so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shutter Love - Crazy Faces


So I'm pretty excited.  I finally snagged one of the Shutter Love Tuesday Top 10 photo spots over at The Trendy Tree House with my circles post.  I just had to share that with everyone:~) Now moving on to this Tuesday's photo post...


This week's theme is Crazy Faces.

This is a self portrait that I took after a long and very wet day of four wheeling.  I don't know if it's as much of a crazy face as it is crazy everything else.  Notice the mud on my jacket....


Hop on over to The Trendy Treehouse to check out more entries.


Friday, May 20, 2011

New! Gallery Photos and Etsy Shop Prints

School is over, which means no more distractions...atleast for the summer.  I have taken lots O' pictures  between now and the last time I updated my gallery.  I figured it was about time that I did just that. Here is a preview of some of the photos I added...




Since I was  playing around with pictures I went ahead and added some new prints to my Etsy shop. Head on over and take a look! Don't forget to check out my Mom's jewelry.  A new sparkly accessory would be great for summer:~)



Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So I'm sure everyone has heard of this site by now. What can I say, I'm a little behind the curve.  But, I just love it so much that I had to say something. I came upon Pinterest.com while catching up on one of my favorite blogs, Young House Love. Sherry mentioned it in her mother's day post and I had to check it out. At this point in time access to the site is by invite only.  So I entered my info and anxiously awaited mine.  About a week later it showed up in my inbox and boy was I excited start exploring this fun new site.

Those of you who are behind the curve like me are probleming asking "What exactly is the fun new site that you are all excited about?"...

"Think of Pinterest as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste.

People use Pinterest to collect and share all sorts of things -- wedding inspiration, favorite T-shirts, DJ equipment. You name it, people are pinning it." (http://pinterest.com/about/)

I am always looking for a good way to keep track of projects I want to do, inspiration I find, things I am pining for, books I want to read, and so on. I am an incredibly visual person.  I have tried several ways of keeping track of things and I feel like ideas and projects always get lost in piles and whatnot.  This site is laid out and that I can keep track of things with pictures in one big space.

Another awesome feature is the ability to share your "Pins" with your friends and other people using the site. Its really alot of fun. One of my bestest friends put it into perfect words...

"I am loving this Pinterest thing! It's so fun to see what you post and have you comment on mine. It's like looking through a gorgeous magazine with you every day and making comments together."

Pinterest.com is exactly what I have been looking for, too bad I didn't have the brilliant idea first:~)

Feel free to check out my Pinterest board.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shutter Love - Circles


This week's theme is Circles.

Ok, Ok...I know these aren't exactly circles, but they are circular and it's the best I can do for this week.  Besides, this is one of my favorite pictures.  When I took it I didn't realize my camera had decided to focus on the fence instead of the chickens.  I guess my camera knew better because I love how it turned out.


Hop on over to The Trendy Treehouse to check out more entries.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Non slip chair pads

Back at Thanksgiving we bought a beautiful new dinner table and chairs.  But like most chairs they were in need of chair pads.  We found some at walmart that we liked. The only issue was that the ties were so tight on the back of the chairs and most of them broke :(

When we were visiting my husbands paretns over Christmas I noticed that my mother in law has chair pads with a non slip bottom and no ties.  I thought it was the perfect idea for fixing mine. 

Now that school is over I have finally found time to sit down and work on them. I had some non slip material on hand already.



