Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This week's categories are: My Town, Something Vintage, Tilt-Shift Photography, Dressup, and Chocolate.

1. My Town - I took this one with my iPhone while flying over Fairbanks with my hubby this morning. 


2. Something Vintage - I decided to post two for this one.  A photo from my stash that I love and a new one.  

#1 Dr Pepper did throwback cans for their 125th Anniversary.  The cans aren't exactly vintage, but the prints are:~)


#2 I took this one a while ago of Gold Dredge #3 in Chatanika, Alaska.


3. Tilt Shift Photography - I took this photo when we went to Hawaii a while back.  It worked really well with the tilt-shift maker.


4. Dressup - Sorry I didn't get any dressup photos.

5. Chocolate





Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Aviation Headset Case

My husband has started taking flying lessons. The fun part is that I get to tag along. So while he is trying to sort out every little detail that one needs to know in order to fly a plane...I get to take pictures:~)





Anyways...he asked me to make him a bag for is headset a little bit ago.  I finally got down to making it over the weekend.  The outside is a fake leather and the inside is lined in fleece. It was quick simple and fits perfectly.





Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shutter Love - Collage


This week's Theme is Collage.

It has been a while since I participated in Shutter Love Tuesday...heck, it has a while since I posted anything at all.  This past week or so has been...well let's just say interesting for me.  But is my entry for this week's Shutter Love.


This is a collage I whipped together of some pictures of Alaska.  Its such an interesting place to live and is full of so many fantastic things to see.  We have been fortunate enough to be able to experience quite a lot of it and to go places not many people get to. 


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This week's categories are: Side Lighting, Jack-O-Lantern, Faces Formed in Nature, Sunset, and Warm.

1. Side Lighting


2. Jack-O-Lantern


3. Faces Formed in Nature - Ok so this one wasn't all that easy.  I kept my eye out for a good shot, but never got one. I had to dig into my stash for this pic.  I took this one over the summer while out hiking with my family.


4. Sunset - I took this with my iPhone.


5. Warm



Friday, October 15, 2010

Non-Traditional Jack'o Lantern

Every year I'm torn between doing a super fun traditional Jack'o Lantern and doing a pretty non-traditional design. Last year the non-traditional design won. Here is a picture of last year's pumpkins. I love the white one, but I haven't seen them this year. 


I decided to go non traditional again.  But, before I get into the carving part I have to first put a little spotlight on the knife I used.  A few years back I bought a pumpkin carving knife from The Pampered Chef and I gotta tell yah....ITS AWESOME!!!!


 I think it's now advertised as the "My Safe Cutter". It's inexpensive, sturdy, not sharp, and cuts the pumpkin with ease, I even cut off the top using this knife.  I love it!!! Anyways......On to carving.


After I cleaned out the pumpkin and set my seeds aside I used a regular ball point pen to draw on my design.  It writes on the pumpkin pretty well and wipes of easy. 

So after drawing and cutting all the way around here is how it turned out.




Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Snow Has Stuck

We officially have snow on the ground. It keeps snowing and melting but between the snow we had over the weekend and the snow we got today...I think that it is safe to say that it's gonna stick.  I love it when it snow.  Its so quite and peaceful and pretty to look at.  I'm hoping for lots and lots of snow this year.  We have been lacking in the department in Fairbanks over the past few winters.  Hopefully this year the weather will make up for it:~) Here are a few pictures I took this afternoon.









Monday, October 11, 2010

Tin Can Tea Light Holder

I stumbled upon this website, What I,  a while back.  The site itself is pretty fantastic, let alone his awesome projects.  One of the projects that I instantly wanted to do was the elegant 'tin can' tea light holder. We go through enough tin cans in our house and Interior AK doesn't make recycling easy.  So I love the idea of turning something that would usually be garbage into something pretty. 

It was a fairly easy project.  Gloves are very, very necessary.  I used a slightly smaller can then the in the project files.  Also remember to keep the lid, you will need it.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Ashley over at Ramblings and Photos hosts a photo scavenger hunt every Sunday.  I'm really trying to get a feel for my fancy camera and learn my photo editing software and I figured this would be an excellent way to do it. This week's categories are: Pink, Books, Fall Colors, Leaf, and Orange. Here is what I came up with....

1. Pink


2. Books



3. Fall Colors - Since the call colors in AK are already gone and snow is on the ground I had to pull this one from my photo stash.  I took this one a while back when the leaves were still on the trees.



4. Leaf - This is a picture of one of the "leaves" on the family tree that I made.

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5. Orange




Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Autumn Wreath

The leaves have fallen and snow is alredy flying in interior Alaska.  But despite that its still FALL and I refuse to think otherwise:~) Over the weekend I pulled out all of my fall decorations and realized how very few I have.  There have been so many fantastic fall/halloween wreaths coming through my RSS reader lately I couldn't help but be inspired to make one for myself:~)

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I had originally wanted to make a black and orange halloween wreath, but I decided that it would be more fun to make something I can keep out for more than a month. The actual wreath was $2, the plaid ribbon was $1.50, and I used three different orange fat quarters which were $2 a piece.  I already had the brown ribbon and the burlap.  In hindsite I think the fabric would have been cheaper had I gotten it cut off the bolt since I only needed a very small amount, but it was faster to just grab the fat quarters.

It was a simple and quick project. I really love how it turned out.



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