Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Its been a while... (and Shutter Love)

It has been quite some time since I posted.  I have been enjoying a little time off. Last week was Spring Break for me, which meant a much needed break from homework. So I filled the time by catching up on cleaning and working on a few projects. The week before that I was soaking up some much needed Vitamin D on the beach in Florida:~) But sadly I am back to my daily routine.  The upside is that the days (daylight) are getting longer and the temps are getting warmer.  Spring is in the air in Alaska. 

For today I have an entry for Shutter Love Tuesday over at The Trendy Treehouse and some pictures from my FL mini vacation to share.


This week's Theme is Emotions.


This is a picture of total HAPPINESS! It was 78 degrees and sunshiny, which was a far cry from the -28 degrees that it was back home.






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