Friday, October 1, 2010

Craft Blog Addict!

Hello! My name is Tara and I'm a Craft Blog addict!

At this point in time I have 30 blogs in my RSS reader and I'm constantly adding to that number.  The only reason there are so few is because I have actually been able to exercise some restraint, but I feel it slipping:~)  There are so many fabulously creative ladies out there with fantastic blogs I just can't help myself!!! And its not just craft blogs that I follow.  There are food blogs, photography blogs, decorating blogs, sewing blogs, chances are if it involves being creative I'm more than likely interested.  I have more little orange flags, marking projects and ideas and recipes, than I know what to do with. 

Here are a FEW of the blogs I have been privileged to stumbled across.  

U Create

The Trendy Treehouse



BCD 125

Happy Friday!



  1. I actually have a craft blog too but I'm like you - I LOVE craft blogs! And this time of year the internet explodes with ideas because of the holidays. Glad I found your site! Mine is Have a great day!

  2. I agree...everyone has so many fantastic ideas during the holidays! Thanks for stopping by. I will have to check out your blog sometime:~)

  3. Wow thanks Tara for the shout out. Hope you are finding some good recipes. if you would ever like us to feature you come on over and email us.
