Monday, May 30, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday (A day Late)

So this was supposed to be yesterday's post, but obviously that didn't happen. My hubby decided on a whim that we should drive to Tok, AK yesterday. It was a beautiful day for a drive so we went.  It took us roughly 3 hrs to get there and 3 to get home.  By the time we got home it was entirely too late to be doing blog posts.  Oh well, right?

On top of this being a late post, some of the pics aren't new! I brought my camera along with us yesterday to get the last few shots I needed.  I went to take a picture and no memory card...D'OH! Thank goodness for my iPhone. At least with that I was able to take a few fun pics on the way.

Anways, sorry for the late post and lack of new pictures...I'll do better next week!! :~)

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1. Classic Still Life - i'm missing this one:~(

2. Self Portrait

Photo 9

3. On The Floor - on the forest floor


4. Lines


5. Fresh - freshly painted toes




  1. great photos! i love you lines photos. sounds like you guys had a nice drive to AK. that's to bad about the memory card. sounds like something i would

  2. I hope you had fun on your trip yesterday - we need to do more of that kinda thing. Very creative with your self portrait!

  3. I really like your Lines shot! Those purple flowers are so pretty!
