Thursday, July 15, 2010

Making, cooking, drinking...

Making : a ruffled tube top

Cooking : white chili

Drinking : coffee

Reading: The Wheel of time (Shadow Rising) by Robert Jordan

Wanting: the weather to be beautiful when my family visits

Looking: my finally finished house:~)

Playing: nothing at the moment

Wasting: time meandering through the internet and looking at craft blogs

Sewing: see Making

Wishing: if I tell you then it won't come true:~)

Enjoying: coffee and my morning shows

Waiting: a visit

Liking: that tomorrow is Bunco night at my house!

Wondering: how the heck i'm going to wrap up my bunco prizes

Loving: my wonderful husband

Hoping: that my wish comes true

Marvelling: at how quickly time has flown by

Needing: to get moving for the day

Smelling: nose is completely clogged.  darn allergies.

Wearing: pj's

Following: WAY too many craft blogs

Noticing: that it has stopped raining

Knowing: that God has a plan and my best interesting at heart.

Thinking: about my plans for the day

Bookmarking: too many websites that in time I will forget about.

Opening: email

Giggling: a picture of my friend on her travels

Feeling: at peace

I stole this from a wonderful friend who stole it from here.

1 comment:

  1. I like being your "wonderful friend". Thanks for making me smile!
