Tara in Wonderland
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wittle People Wednesday
Point and Shoot NO MORE
Thursday, October 25, 2012
I'm baaaccckkk!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Wine Glass Painting party
They glass I painted for my friend was such a hit I decided to have a wine glass painting party! We had a fantastic evening chatting and being creative.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
When I get bored...
...I make things :~)
My small group has been reading Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind. So far I'm really enjoying the book. I have definately been able to relate to alot of it. Each chapeter if full of scripture and our group decided it woud be fun to pick out the one's that speak to us the most and put them on a board. We were supposed to the scriputre we picked on a note card. Well, I got bored last night and decided to play with my Silhouette...
Then I broke out some paint and foam stamps and ended up with this...
and this...
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Shutter Love - Wind
This week's theme is Wind.
A while back we traveled to Hawaii. We made a stop at the Pali Lookout. It has beautiful views and lots of WIND!
Here are a few more pics from the lookout for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Souvenir Pennies
I love to travel. I also love to pick up little things to remember my trips by. And my most favorite souvenirs are flattened pennies. They are cheap, generally around 51 cents unless its a flattened dime or quarter, and they are small which makes them easy to pack. I have collected quite a few over the years.
The one's not in my book are my newest additions from my trip to California.
A while back I was flipping through one of my mom's jewelry magazines. One of the articles discusses making these puppies into Jewelry. I loved the idea!! So we got to work.
My mom and I ordered some copper chain and copper ear hooks online. We also picked up some pretty glass beads at a local bead shop in town. My hubby used a small drill bit and put holes in both ends of the pennies I chose to make into Jewelry.